Send Taylor to Belgium

Going directly into the red light districts of the many cities in Belgium, Taylor has teamed up with Jerry and April Foster to help fight human trafficking and the slavery of these young girls. The key is to build relationships with them, some as young as 12 years old, and offering them hope for their future. The girls are trained in income earning skills including, jewelry making, card making, and sewing, as well as, English language classes. The are also offered a safe place to stop in and hang out, as well as grab a bite to eat and a cup of coffee. The goal is to show these young girls their self worth, by building them up and showing them they are loved and supported.

They have no place to turn. They are afraid of authorities, because often they are told lies about what the authorities will do. They fear the authorities more than their captors. All forms of identification are taken away and most have entered the country illegally, being told the traffickers would secure the proper papers for them, but they never do. They are threatened with death and they are told their families back home will be killed. They do not speak the language of the country they have been taken to, so they can not ask for help. For some their only compensation is staying alive. Others are told that they must pay a debt to the ones that brought them here, but the debt only grows and is rarely ever paid off.

Reaching and restoring these people is what Taylor feels she has been called to do. The goal is to provide a safe place for these victims and training so they can live a life free from the bonds of slavery.

Follow Taylor

Cohen Creek is teaming up to support Taylor and her journey to the streets of Belgium and we are reaching out to our supporters to jump on board with us. We are starting a promotion called Belgium25. Our goal is to get at least 100 people to donate $25 towards Taylor’s funding for Belgium. Of course you are welcome and encouraged to give more, but the campaign is based on a $25 donation. As a token of our appreciation for helping us reach this goal, we (Cohen Creek) will be randomly giving away a farmhouse style dining table with two benches. (See images below).


For every $25 donated, we will give (1) entry into the drawing. For every $100 donated, we will give an extra entry into the drawing. (ex. $100 = 5 entries) The table is hand made with a story of its own. The table top is pieced together with individual planks that represent the young girls. When brought together and shown love they become stronger. On the bottom of the table is a silhouette of the country of Belgium. The table has character, and has many imperfections just like the young girls Taylor will encounter. But like the young girls, wherever the table ends up, it will be loved, made whole and have purpose once again. Also included with the table are two benches. The table is an estimated 6ft x 3 ft in size.

Taylor also needs monthly partners to support her project. If you are interested in becoming a monthly partner, please select the CHECK BOX on the form and we will put you in touch with Taylor. For anyone who becomes a monthly partner with Taylor through this campaign, I will give you 10 entries into the drawing on top of your one-time donation. For further information or questions about this such as what the funding is used for, please contact Shawn at


Tax & Receipt information: Due to the nature of this give away, any donation made through this campaign will not be eligible for tax deductions. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to contact us.